Of counsel department business dvisory


LNRARegistered in front of Teramo Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts.

Registered with the Register of auditors.

Degree in Economics and Business at the "G. D'Annunzio" Università of Pescara.

Master in "Analysis, programming and management control" – IFAF Finance School – Milan.

Advanced training course in "Financial analysis and corporate finance" – IFAF Finance School – Milan.

Advanced training course in "Management Control, programming and control techniques, finance and corporate governance – SAF Emilia Romagna.

Filomena has gained a ten year experience starting from facilitated finance to the creation and the development of medium-sized companies. Filomena has studied in-depth the areas of management control as external controller for plastic manufacturing companies and furniture companies, assisting stake holders in the definition and control activities for the achievement of the company's objectives.